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The Female Lead is a Black Lotus – Chapter 46

The surrounding scene gradually became clear, unlike retracing the memories of a ghost, in the memories of the living she did not play any role of anybody, but as a third party to observe everything. In the living room, Xun Xu sat on the sofa and his expression was rather distraught, “Sister, you and her…

For the Rest of Our Life Chapter 33

Although Lin Xian was born and raised in the city of Anjiang before she had left for college, she had rarely set foot in the southern district. In her limited memory, she only remembers that she once came here with her classmates for a barbecue at a beach during her junior high school spring trip.…

For the Rest of Our Life Chapter 32

After Lin Xian went home with her parents, she lay down on the big bed she had slept on for years, but on the rare occasion, she tossed and turned and had trouble sleeping. She had closed her eyes, trying to fall asleep, but her mind was full of many thoughts making it hard to…

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